I just saw this on the news last night and I am so baffled...Look at this:
Are we kidding right now? I mean, seriously?!? So now we are going to encourage our young people to be grossly irresponsible like this. Look, we all know that the media is oversexualizing our kids on a daily basis. It's everywhere they look and go. Implementing something like this is not only egregious, but it's downright irresponsible. We all know that teen pregnancy is a problem, but removing the responsibility of the parties involved is not going to solve anything. If anything, it's going to give teens the impression that they can keep acting irresponsibly and recklessly and won't have to ever face the consequences of their actions.
Now I know many of you are saying, "But we have to do SOMETHING, right?". That's true. How about we treat out teens like human beings. How about we talk to them about real life and not just fantasy or make-believe situations that they would never encounter. For instance, all they see on TV and in the entertainment industry is that sex is so glamorous and enjoyable and that they should be doing it all the time, but they never get exposed to downfalls and intricacies that sex brings into relationships between people. Problems like sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancies, and broken homes and relationships are on the rise and are not fully explained to our young adults, leading them into situations that they are not fully prepared to deal with. Encouraging young adults to engage in safe sex by using condoms will definitely help more than posting "baby boxes" everywhere (which only deals with the after effects of the issue at hand). We need to be promoting a healthier viewpoint about sex and relationships.
What we are seeing now in today's society is what the outcomes of not laying down ground rules for sexual behavior and taking responsibility for your actions look like. Our teens have no idea what a real relationship looks like or how one even works. We made marriage look like a burden, so no one wants it anymore, yet we didn't replace it with anything that's substantial, so everyone's out here just "winging it" with no real purpose. They don't realize that sex is only suppose to happen in committed relationships (preferably marriages) and that sexual energy is exchanged between people that lingers long after the act has ended. I'm not going to get all metaphysical here, but people need to realize that everything in life is not a game and that everything we do has serious repercussions that affects everyone.
I'm going to end by saying this; I know that there's an epidemic of teens and young adults immersing and debasing themselves in this sex culture right now, but throwing out simple solutions to complex problems is not going to help things. We need to take these situations more seriously and stop pretending like everything will just work itself out in the end. Trust me, in the end will be too late.